Welcome to the Early Learning and Social Adjustment research lab!
Our team is dedicated to better understanding how individual, family and institutional factors (e.g. child care, school services) support vulnerable families and children in order to promote the school readiness of these children, as well as as their later social and school adaptation.
Axis 1
Early determinants of cognitive, social and mental health in children
Axis 2
School functioning among so-called vulnerable populations and use of services
Axis 3
Inclusion of children who have social and school adaptation challenges

Précarité financière et maternité : retourner au travail ou rester auprès de bébé?
One of Québec Science magazine's ten discoveries of the year!
One of Gabrielle Garon-Carrier's recent studies features in Québec Science magazine's Top Ten Scientific Discoveries of 2023.
To find out more :
University of Sherbooke article on this discovery
Study vulgarized bu Québec Science
To vote for the Discovery of the Year, visit the Québec Science website HERE. Voting is open until February 15, 2024.
Gabrielle Garon-Carrier
Director of the LiL Lab, holder of a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in School Readiness, Inclusion of Vulnerable Populations, and Social Adjustment and assistant professor in the Department of Psychoeducation at the University of Sherbrooke

Gabrielle Garon-Carrier
Our research projects contribute to the development of knowledge that ultimately aims to give each child the best possible start in life by reducing inequities within these children's families, schools and public services.


The Early Learning and Social Adjustment research lab
University of Sherbrooke
2500 Boulevard de l'Université,
Sherbrooke, QC
J1K 2R1